How to set MOCA SDK to download only when connected to Wi-Fi

How to set MOCA SDK to download only when connected to Wi-Fi

The MOCA SDK has the capability to download data only when the "Wi-Fi Only" data transmission is activated. In order to do so, here are the calls for both Android and iOS:


* Returns true if the "Wifi Only" data transmission setting is activated */ static boolean isWifiOnlyEnabled() /** * If true, limits data transmission to Wifi only */ static void setWifiOnlyEnabled(boolean enabled)


/** * Get status of the WiFi only transfer constraint. * * @return YES if the SDK is allowed to transmit data only when Wifi is available. * NO otherwise. */ + (BOOL)wifiOnlyEnabled; /** * Enables/disables the "WiFi only" transfer constraint. * @param enabled - if YES the SDK is allowed to transmit data only when Wifi is available. * NO otherwise. */ + (void)setWifiOnlyEnabled:(BOOL)enabled;



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